Proletarians of All Countries, Unite!


"Things being that way, let us think of the danger that the nation, that the country, can be divided, that the nation is at risk. They want to dismember it; they want to divide it. Who wants to do this? As always, imperialism, those who exploit, those who rule. And what should we do? What is our task now? It is appropriate that we push forward the People's Liberation Movement and that we develop it through the People's war because the people, always the people, have been the ones who defend the country, who have defended the nation. It is time to form a People's Liberation Front, it is time to form and develop from the People's Guerrilla Army a People's Liberation Army. That is what we must do and we shall do it! That is what we are doing and that is what we shall do! You gentlemen shall be witnesses."

(Chairman Gonzalo's Speech, 1992)

In celebration of the XXIV anniversary of Chairman Gonzalo's Speech, full of the optimism that belongs to our class, we express our communist salutes to the whole international proletariat, to the oppressed peoples and to the communists and revolutionaries of the world. We call the communists of the world to take up the masterful Speech of our Great leadership as a combat weapon, to study and apply what is put forward in this Speech - as well as Chairman Gonzalo's other contributions - to be able to assume the role that falls to the Communist Parties: to initiate and develop the people's war in each country to carry out the democratic, socialist and cultural revolutions until our final goal Communism, and assume the urgent tasks of the present situation: to lead the wars of national liberation, turn the unjust wars into just wars, and forge the Parties to develop the world people's war against the imperialist world war and not lay down the arms ever until communism. We salute all the militants, combatants and heroic masses who are giving their lives in the people's wars and armed struggles under the banner of Maoism in Peru, India, Philippines, Turkey and other places.  Likewise, we reaffirm ourselves in the slogan DEMAND THE PUBLIC, LIVE AND DIRECT PRESENTATION OF CHAIRMAN GONZALO AND THAT HE MAY MAKE A PRONOUNCEMENT! and in our call to unmask and crush imperialism’s, reaction’s and revisionism’s plans and hoaxes of slandering and murdering our Great leadership.

Chairman Gonzalo stated in the Speech: "Today there is one reality; the same contenders of the First and Second World War are preparing a new Third World War". Today we see that the process of the new redivision of the world is already under way, and all the imperialists - in the midst of their more and more sharpened conflict - are colluding in their general counterrevolutionary offensive to hopelessly try to avoid that their exploitation and their genocidal wars of plunder generate more resistance, more revolution. Therefore, the hegemonic Yankee superpower as well as the European powers and Russian and Chinese imperialism use all kinds of national, religious and social contradictions to set masses against masses, to manipulate the movements of national liberation as pawns, even creating "guerrilla movements that are usurped by the superpowers or powers to turn them into occupation forces and dominate them" (International Line, PCP 1988)

In synthesis, what the imperialist bloodsuckers, today in their general and final crisis, need in order to realize these counterrevolutionary objectives is to prevent that the proletariat through its Communist Parties assumes the leadership of the struggles of national liberation. It is a reactionary task that ultimately means combating the ideology of the proletariat, Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, principally Maoism; to prevent that Maoism goes on to command the new great wave of the world proletarian revolution. Hence imperialism’s and reaction’s need to spread revisionism - and mainly a new revisionism under the label of "Maoism" - to undermine the International Communist Movement and the Communist Parties. Hence the need to attack the Communist Party of Peru and its Great Leadership Chairman Gonzalo with the old revisionist tales of the so-called "personality cult", "dogmatism" etc.

See for example how Yankee imperialism is making efforts to halt the development and the victory of the people's wars in India, Nepal and Philippines, strategic zones that let the Yankees cover their back to advance against China and Russia. See how the Yankee, Russian, European and Chinese imperialists manage bourgeois and feudal states and armed movements in the Middle East and in the whole Third World to wage their war of redivision, and how the groups led by revisionism will end up being used by one or another imperialist superpower or power like the Kurds in Iraq and Syria; the imperialists need to control organizations with a great number of masses and ward off the victory of revolution.

In the imperialist countries, the reactionary states now apply fascism more and more, and rely on all kinds of fascist, racist, social chauvinist and revisionist groups and parties to strengthen the imperialist rear serving the redivision of the world; intensifying the repression against the proletariat that is rising up in heroic struggles - like now in Paris against the reactionary labor law - calling for the leadership it needs. There too the imperialists desperately try to prevent that the Communist Parties reconstitute and militarize themselves to lead the struggles in the service of initiating the people's war, and there too they spread all kinds of revisionism and parliamentary cretinism for this purpose.

Keep in mind what was established in our Party's International Line in 1988, to apply it to the present situation:

"The necessity to see the contradictions serves to analyze the world situation and define one's strategy and tactics, and within these, strategic zones and conflict zones. Today the hottest conflict spots are: Southeast Asia, where the struggle in Vietnam, Laos and Kampuchea is a focal point of the immense strategic region of Asia, a region with great concentration of masses, like India for example, that if they had sufficiently developed Communist Parties would serve the advance of revolution in a powerful way. The Middle East, a great oil centre, where there is also a sharp contention between the superpowers and powers linked to the question of the Near East and to nationalist and even reactionary movements. South Africa, where there are guerrilla movements that are usurped by the superpowers or powers to turn them into occupation forces and dominate them. Latin America, where the struggles in Central America (Nicaragua and El Salvador) and the explosive situation in the Antilles (Haiti etc.) are important. And the Marxist-Leninist-Maoist, Gonzalo thought people's war in Peru that struggles for an authentic democratic revolution without submitting to any superpower or power whatsoever. And Europe, where persistent anti-imperialist military actions are carried out, and it is necessary to study the ideology and politics that they are based on, what class they serve, their connection to the ideology of the proletariat and their role within the world proletarian revolution, as well as their position concerning contemporary revisionism; movements that express the existence of a revolutionary situation in uneven development on the old continent. Any one of these conflict spots could produce the spark that lights the imperialist world war, a situation that will become a fact when the strategic superiority of one of the superpowers is defined, which is why it is more and more urgent and imperative to have communist parties based on Marxism-Leninism-Maoism and forged for and in the people's war through their militarization. To strategically define the main and secondary zones of importance to carry out the world revolution is crucial in order to establish the role that each region and each party has to fulfill in the world revolution." (International Line, PCP 1988) [The emphasis is ours]

Facing all this, we communists of the world must be firm in upholding, defending and applying our universal ideology Marxism-Leninism-Maoism and implacably combat revisionism to guarantee the hegemony of the proletariat as the leading class of the democratic, socialist and cultural revolutions. We call all the Communist Parties to combat revisionism as the main danger, and see that it is precisely revisionism that spreads capitulation, that wants to sell out the revolution for a plate of beans, that leads to the degeneration of the Parties. To crush the revisionist positions and lines, that raise their heads before each leap on the road of revolution, is indispensable to be able to build the Party, the Army and the United Front - with complete ideological, political and economic independence - and to be able to initiate and develop the people's war. And when it comes to the Front, we reaffirm ourselves in that it must be a Front for the people's war, a Front of classes, and "We are absolutely opposed to the revisionist theory being applied in Central America, and that they want to spread elsewhere, that 'everyone is revolutionary', 'everyone is Marxist', 'there's no need for the leadership of a Communist Party', 'it's enough to simply unite everyone and base oneself on a front in order to lead a revolution.' That is the negation of Marxism. It is the negation of Marx, of Lenin, and of Chairman Mao." (Interview with Chairman Gonzalo)

We salute once more our class the international proletariat and the Communist Parties and revolutionary organizations that together with us today celebrate the anniversary of our Great leadership's masterful Speech, and we reaffirm ourselves in our promise to apply it as a combat weapon:

"Enough imperialist exploitation! We must finish with them! We are of the third world and the third world is the base of the world proletarian revolution, with one condition, that the Communist Parties brandish and lead! That is what we must do!"


Peru People's Movement
September 24, 2016


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