Proletarians of All Countries, Unite!


“Marx has taught us; one does not play with insurrection, one does not play with revolution; but when one raises the insurrection, when one takes up arms, one does not lower the banner, one holds it victoriously until victory, without ever lowering it again; that is what he taught us, and it doesn’t matter what it costs us! Well then, Marx has armed us, as has Lenin and, mainly, Chairman Mao Tsetung teaches us what is the cost, what it is to annihilate in order to preserve, what it is to keep the banner held high, whatever happens […]
The reaction dreams when it wants to drown the revolution in blood, know that it waters it, and it is an inexorable law. So this reaffirms how we have to be more and more loyal, firm and determined in the principles and always have immutable faith in the masses.”

(Interview with Chairman Gonzalo)

“The question of revolutionary violence is one that is more and more on the table; thus we communists and revolutionaries have to reaffirm ourselves in our principles. The question of revolutionary violence is how we concretize the people’s war; for us the question is that Chairman Mao Tsetung, in establishing the people’s war, has given the proletariat its military line, its military theory and practice that is universally valid, and therefore applicable everywhere according to the concrete conditions.”

(Interview with Chairman Gonzalo)

“The imperialists are bullying us in such a way that we will have to deal with them seriously. Not only must we have a powerful regular army, we must also organize contingents of the people's militia on a big scale. This will make it difficult for the imperialists to move a single inch in our country in the event of invasion.”                 

(Chairman Mao Tsetung - Interview with a Hsinhua News Agency correspondent (September 29, 1958))

On this occasion of the XLI anniversary of the ILA-80, the initiation of the invincible people’s war in Peru, we Marxist-Leninist-Maoists reaffirm ourselves in the far-reaching importance of the correct and masterful decision of the CC of the PCP, to initiate the people’s war on May 17th, 1980, “a defiant political blow of transcendental significance, deploying rebellious red flags and hoisting hammers and sickles, that proclaimed: ‘It is right to rebel’ and ‘Power grows from the barrel of a gun.’” The initiation and development of the people’s war in Peru marks a milestone in the history of the world proletarian revolution, showing in practice before the world the universal validity of Maoism as the new, third and higher stage of Marxism, and of the people’s war as the universal military theory and strategy of the international proletariat.

The bend in the road and the current complex situation of the people’s war in Peru do not negate these truths: today the Communist Party of Peru continues to omnimodally lead the people’s war, applying Gonzalo thought to solve the new problems; in the people’s wars and armed struggles in India, Turkey, Philippines and other places, the communists apply the lessons of the people’s war in Peru and struggle to take up the contributions of Chairman Gonzalo – in a life-or-death struggle against revisionism – to maintain the course of the revolution; and  on all the continents we see organizations and Parties that are for taking up and applying Maoism, inspired and forged by the people’s war and the struggle of the PCP against Avakian’s and Prachanda’s new revisionism.

One of the universal contributions of Chairman Gonzalo is precisely having defined the universal validity of the people’s war and the four fundamental points for waging a people’s war:

1) The ideology of the proletariat, Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, that must be specified in a guiding thought, that is the creative application of the universal ideology to the concrete conditions of each revolution. Chairman Gonzalo teaches us: “The first thing we considered was this; not to mechanically apply the people’s war, because Chairman Mao Tsetung warned us that mechanical application leads to opportunism and leads to defeat”. That is to say that the communists of each country must apply the universal principles in the midst of the class struggle, shoulder to shoulder with the masses, in order to thus determine the particularities of their revolution, generating a guiding thought and a Great leadership.

2) The necessity of the Communist Party to lead the people’s war. The whole history of the class struggle confirms that each class inevitably generates its organizations and its leaders; that only in this way, by generating its leadership, can the broad masses concretize their demands and their interests in an ideological and political line and organize themselves in order to destroy the old and build the new. In the struggle of the proletariat, the “anti-authoritarians”, who deny the necessity of the Party, have already been unmasked over and over again; in practice they oppose proletarian authority while they subject obediently to bourgeois and reactionary authority. Chairman Gonzalo establishes that today, the Communist Parties have to be Parties of a new type, Marxist-Leninist-Maoist and militarized to fulfill their central task of preparing, initiating and developing the people’s war.

3) The road of the revolution has to be specified in each country according to the concrete conditions. In Peru, being a semifeudal and semicolonial country with a large peasant population, the people’s war is developed as a peasant war following the road of encircling the cities from the countryside. However, in a country with large cities like Peru, the cities can not be disregarded; what needs to be done is to take the countryside as the principal and the city as complement. Applying the peasant war dogmatically, presenting it as a universal characteristic of the people’s war and disregarding the cities is a rightist and revisionist error that we have seen in Nepal, for example. The communists in all countries, oppressed or imperialist, must analyze well the concrete conditions and the relationship between countryside and cities, taking into account the experiences of the guerrilla war in cities and what Chairman Gonzalo put forward: “see how to conceive countryside-city, develop the war in the countryside and see how to handle it in the cities; the reaction is faced with having to defend their cities, they are their strong points; see how they develop civic action, intelligence, control in the shantytowns.” (III Plenum of the Central Committee – Central Document, 1992). It is a decisive question in which the struggle between Marxism and revisionism is expressed, because it has to do with the revolutionary crisis and the conquest of power in the whole country: “our process of the people’s war has to take us to the upsurge, consequently we have to prepare the insurrection which will be, in synthesis, the taking of the cities. We think about and prepare the insurrection because it is a necessity, without it we cannot triumph in the whole country” (Interview with Chairman Gonzalo).

4) Support bases or New power is the core of the people’s war. Totally opposed to foquism, the people’s war is not a war of a group of “heroes” who will liberate the masses. The people’s war has two aspects, destruction and construction, and construction is the main aspect. The new society – the new state – is built in the midst of the people’s war by the armed masses under the leadership of the Party. This principle is valid for the whole proletarian revolution until our final goal communism; with the armed sea of masses we shall crush the restauration of capitalism: “It is necessary to reconstitute Communist Parties that are clearly defined and apply the highest of Maoism, which is the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution. See the experience of the Chinese and Russian revolutions and the capitulation of Nepal at the gates of the conquest of power, we must give it special attention and learn from it. See also how to combat those who develop people’s war separated from the fluidity of the war; we insist that the new is not built when the power is conquered, it is built in the midst of the people’s war.” (Central Committee – Communist Party of Peru, 2015).

Today, in the general and final crisis of imperialism and with a growing revolutionary situation in uneven development in the world, we are more and more faced with the urgent necessity of the people’s war. In order to finally sweep away the imperialist invaders and exploiters from the oppressed countries, and not to be betrayed over and over again by bourgeois or feudal leaders, the peoples need people’s war. In order to finally crush and sweep away bourgeois dictatorship and capitalism and not to be betrayed over and over again by the revisionist leaders, the proletariat needs people’s war. Only in this way, arming the people under the leadership of the proletariat with its militarized vanguard, will we destroy and bury the system of exploitation and oppression in the whole world and reach communism, the society without classes, without exploitation and without war.


Peru People’s Movement
17th of May, 2021


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