Proletarians of all countries, unite!




Central Committee
Communist Party of Peru


Red Banner

translated and reproduced by the

[Prepared for the Internet by the Magazine Red Sun]




The Communist Party of Peru, organized vanguard of the proletariat, was reconstituted in more than 15 years of hard-fought struggle by Chairman Gonzalo as a new type of Marxist- Leninist-Maoist, Gonzalo Thought Party. Assuming its historical role of seizing power on behalf of the people and the proletariat, in May of 1980 it unleashed the invincible People's War. Since 1991 it unfolds in the strategic equilibrium which today develops in its unstoppable march to seize power and the installation of the People's Republic of Peru.

In more that 13 years of battles and victories, the People's War has firmly rooted itself in our country and is the torchbearer of the world proletarian revolution. The People's War is also the living expression of the validity of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, principally Maoism, which has been creatively applied creatively to the conditions of the Peruvian revolution by Chairman Gonzalo.

We are now successfully applying the Fourth Strategic Plan of Development of the People's War to Conquer Power and the Sixth, and next to last, military plan to achieve the conquest of power. We have completed the first campaign and are initiating the Second Campaign, In Defense of the Great Leadership [Jefatura], against the Genocidal Dictatorship!, thus further developing the democratic and popular path to liberation.

On the other hand, the bureaucratic path of the old state headed by the genocidal, the most obedient lackey of Yankee imperialism, the sell-out puppet Fujimori is traversing the greatest crisis in the history of the republic. The measures which he adopts do not achieve anything but illusory gains leading to general bankruptcy. Each time it confronts greater difficulty in applying its three conterrevolutionary tasks: reviving bureaucrat capitalism, restructuring the old state and annihilating the People's War. Of these, restructuring is the most fundamental. Reality has shown that accomplishing these goals is a historical and political impossibility. The April 5th coup took a step towards absolute centralization, just recently they carried out their farcical and fraudulent "referendum" which they need to approve, by any means. This travesty of "constitution" one step further in the reactionarization of the state, one more action toward Fujimori's presidential absolutism.

In order to carry out this counterrevolutionary plan, and in its desperation and impotence before the advance of the People's War, and as part of its psychological war within the "low intensity conflict," it has mounted a sinister allegation. This vile falsehood has two purposes: 1) first, it seeks to defame Chairman Gonzalo prior to its premeditated, treacherous plan to annihilate him, and 2) second, it is nothing than proclaiming its dark dream of the "Sendero's capitulation." It is one of the many lies against the PCP that the forces of reaction periodically spread since the beginning of the People's War. Today, it is done by the genocidal traitor, a puppet hooked on the bayonets of the armed forces, Fujimori. He is being advised by the traitor Montesinos and the murder Luza under the guidance of Yankee imperialism, principally the sinister CIA. It is a ridiculous lie that no one with two ounces of sense can take seriously and which, like its predecessors shall be unmasked by the People's War.

The wave of strikes and massive demonstrations stirs the class struggle and shows that the revolutionary situation continues to grow and shall unfold as a revolutionary crisis.

Today, one year after Chairman Gonzalo's historic and masterful discourse of defiance before the world, his timely and wise words encourage the people and fill the reactionaries with fear. The reactionaries seek to conceal the fact that they are rotten to the core and their end is near, and hence, we, the revolutionaries, are getting close to victory. We say this because the word of the Party is a word that is met. As Chairman Gonzalo stated: "Once we solemnly promise not to lay down our weapons until Communism, to persist in the struggle for Communism even if the superpowers or other powers armed to the teeth come with their powerful weapons. We Communists know what we want and why we struggle. Nothing should nor can stop us in meeting the objectives of the Party to serve the people, the proletariat and the world revolution." In celebrating the 65th anniversary of our glorious Party, we reaffirm our unbreakeable decision to guide ourselves by Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, Gonzalo Thought, to continue the People's War, serving the world revolution, and we vow to give our lives for Chairman Gonzalo, the Party and the revolution. The People's War will inevitably win and will decisively support the development of the world proletarian revolution. The People's Republic of Peru will become a trench of combat for the working class and the peoples of the world. We shall develop the socialist revolution and through successive cultural revolutions we shall march to our final goal: Communism. The Communist Party of Peru assumes its Communist responsibility in being the torchbearer and example, but it is Chairman Gonzalo with his unmatchable light and all-powerful Thought, who has brought us to this point and who leads us to the golden, shining Communism with a sure and firm hand in his role of continuer of Marx, Lenin and Chairman Mao Tse-tung, which decisively contributes brings a new development to Marxism.

We have the firm conviction that our heroic people under the leadership of the Communist Party of Peru, will reach a total victory. We take as our own the profound words of our respected and heroic Chairman Gonzalo, the greatest living Marxist-Leninist-Maoist on earth: "We, based firmly on Marxism- Leninism-Maoism are sure and convinced of the triumph of the world proletarian revolution, and of the unstoppable march of humanity to Communism. We should assume each time with greater deciveness the conquest of power in the entire country and dauntlessly and unbendably fight for the complete and total triumph of the new social order: Socialism until Communism. We should take into account all the experiences of the world revolution, and principally our own. The Party accords on the 'Eight Possibilities' and the intervention of imperialism, mainly Yankee, be it direct or indirect, alone or joint, and prepare ourselves on all levels to confront it at any moment under any conditions. We should brandish our unconquered proletarian ideology and developing the invincible People's War, always under the leadership of the Party. We should always resolved to oppose imperialism and reaction with an armed sea the of masses for the conquest of power, for the People's Republic of Peru and its defense and for the future inevitable goal of Communism... As Chairman Mao said: The road is winding but the future is bright. We should, then, dare to conquer power and dare to defend it; we must assume our destiny with our own hands."







October 7, 1993





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